What'd you Expect? A freebie?
Well in that case, you got it! I was actually able to get one done. This one matches the Brooke kit (a sample still available below). Im just having a blast with this kit. I really hope you are enjoying it too. If you notice when you go to download this file its name is plural, but there is only one quickpage in it. I plan on offering more quickpages in this size for download. Now when you download each of them you can drag and drop into the same folder.
Before you get to the download please take a moment and read this carefully. I am on top of the world that people are liking my freebies so much. I just wanted to take a minute and restate that I dont mind being added to any lists as long as you use the blog link NOT the 4shared link.
Also I wanted to give you a couple sites to go look at if you havent seen them already. Major kudos to each of these ladies!
Digital Piracy: All you could possibly need to know
And in no particular order, these ladies do lists of freebies (some daily) and each of them has featured my blog sometime in the past week! Check them out, leave them lots of comments and tell them I sent ya! Thanks to all of you!
Happy Scrap Girl
4x6 quickpage
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