Template 20

I am finally seeing the end of this thorough cleaning. My house has never looked better! I only have one room left to do and it shouldnt take long at all. Im clutter free finally! lol I forgot to tell you we got one of our christmas gifts early, its one of those mini deep freezers! We finally got it all set up today. I also finished one of my gifts to a friend of mine. Its a brag book album complete with a little something I wrote for her. I cant say too much cuz she sometimes drops by here to read, so after I give it to her Ill show it you. I have the kids signs almost completed too so I should have pics of them soon for you! Blaine helped. lol
Ok thats about all the updates I have at this point. So on to the freebie! I have changed how my previews are going to look, I think Im finally happy with this one so it may stay around a while. And just in case you havent seen it, my terms of use have been updated again so please take a second and look over them. Thanks guys!


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Anonymous said...

I can't wait to get home so I can download this! This is so cute! TY Val! You are a gem!

Anonymous said...

This is lovely. Thank you for sharing with us! Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing to share these! And for clarifying your TOU.

Sharon Kay said...

Thank you for creating and sharing this template! I really appreciate it!